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60-Year one-party rule ends in Paraguay, June 16, 2008

With the election of Fernando Lugo, a former Roman Catholic Bishop called the “Bishop of the Poor,” the 60 year one-party uncontested rule of the Colorado party ended (including a 35 year military dictatorship by Strossner). Fernando Lugo appointed as his cabinet chief Miguel Lopez Perito, a former leader of Paraguay’s anti-Strossner leftist Military Political Organization. Fernando Lugo defeated the outgoing America-aligned President Nicanor Duarte Frutos, who characterized Lugo during the campaign as a radical.

News Stories:

"Paraguay's Lugo names Cabinet chief "
Associated Press June 14, 2008
"Paraguay: how Lugo Méndez went from Bishop to President "
Online Opinion (Australia) June 12, 2008
"Lugo in Bolivia:: Politics to Benefit Majority "
Prensa Latina (Cuba) June 15, 2008

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June 16, 2008