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Calderon achieves victory in Mexico Primary over Fox aide, October 3, 2005

Vicente Fox’s Energy Minister, Felipe Calderon, scored an assured victory in the second of third primary rounds with a comfortable 92% of all the voices counted. This victory was achieved over Vicente Fox’s chosen, handpicked successor, Santiago Creel, described by many as sporting a wooden personality and who is not well known outside of the capital. Calderon’s opponent in the upcoming election will be the highly popular leftist mayor of Mexico City, Manuel Lopez Obrador.

News Stories:

"De nueva cuenta Calderón vence a Creel; 14 puntos, la diferencia "
Jornada (Mexico) October 3, 2005
"Felipe Calderón gana la segunda ronda "
El Universal (Mexico) October 3, 2005
"Ex-Fox aide vows to stay in Mexican race "
CNN International October 3, 2005
"Mexico's National Action Party Chooses Calderon as Candidate "
Bloomberg October 3, 2005

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October 3, 2005