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Former Guatemalan President wanted by police, July 21, 2005

Alfonso Portillo, Guatemalan President from 2000 to 2004, has lost his diplomatic immunity and faces an arrest warrant issued by public prosecutors. The warrant is for corruption, after the disappearance of $15.7 million dollars earmarked for the Defense Department. Portillo currently lives outside of Mexico City, where he fled to at the end of 2004. Alfonso Portillo fervently denies the allegations, and states that the reason he left is because he believes he could not obtain a fair trial in Guatemala.

News Stories:

"Viernes vence plazo para impugnar decisión del juzgado Podría quedar firme orden de captura "
La Hora (Guatemala) July 20, 2005
"Impugnaciones frenan proceso "
Prensa Libre (Guatemala) July 21, 2005
"Guatemalans Would Jail Former Presidents "
Angus Reid Finance July 21, 2005
"Guatemala seeks ex-leader arrest "
BBC News (UK) July 19, 2005

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July 21, 2005