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Fox’s Minister retires to run for President, June 2, 2005

Mexican President Vicente Fox’s Secretary of the Interior, Santiago Creel, retired from his job to pursue the right of center National Action Party’s nomination for president, as Fox is barred by the constitution from seeking another term. His chief rival for the position is Felipe Calderon, National Action’s former Secretary of Energy, who said Creel was “very bad and deficient.” The expected favorite in the race for President, as of current polls, is Mexico City’s popular leftist mayor, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

News Stories:

"Creel deja Gobernación; ya no habrá rounds de sombra "
El Financiero (Mexico) June 2, 2005
"Elogia Fox labor de Creel "
El Universal (Mexico) June 2, 2005
"Fox's candidate enters the race "
Miami Herald June 2, 2005
"Mexico's Interior Minister Quits to Seek Presidency "
Los Angeles Times June 2, 2005
"Mexico's Creel starts presidential campaign "
Financial Times (UK) June 1, 2005

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June 2, 2005