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Death Toll Rises in Haiti After Jeanne Causes Massive Flooding, September 24, 2004

Tropical storm Jeanne devastated the city of Gonaives in northern Haiti on Friday and Saturday, causing massive flooding and hundreds of deaths from drowning. International aid organizations like World Food Program and Oxfam, as well as the UN and regional relief efforts have been trying to distribute food, water and medical supplies. Cholera and water-borne disease are major concerns, since the supply of clean water is difficult to distribute and much of Gonaives is still under several feet of water and mud. Haitian officials have placed the death toll at over 1,110 with slightly more than that number still missing. The continuing tragedy comes during a trying, to say the least, year for Haiti, with thousands of deaths through violence and natural disasters.

News Stories

"Weary, Angry Haitians Dig Out of Storm "
New York Times September 24, 2004
"Nouveau bilan : 1160 morts et 1200 disparus "
Haiti Press Network September 24, 2004
"Risques d'épidémie dans la région septentrionale d'Haïti après des inondations meurtrières "
AlterPresse September 24, 2004
"Haiti struggles for flood relief "
BBC September 24, 2004
"Haitian City Bears Brunt of Jeanne "
Washington Post September 22, 2004

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September 24, 2004