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Thousands Attend Funeral of Slain Haitian Pastor, September 21, 2004

Tens of thousands of attendees visited the funeral of 43 year old Baptist minister Rev. Jean-Moles Lovinksky Berthomieux, a popular radio show personality who hosted "La Manne du Matin," or Godsend of the Morning, when after going to work in Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital, he was shot to death after what police believe is a robbery attempt. The police have three suspects in custody for the crime. Since the February 29th departure of President Aristide and subsequent rebellious uprising, many members of the police force have yet to return to their posts, and many Haitians complain very little is being done to combat crime.

News Stories:

"Assassin du pasteur Berthomieux : la police présente trois suspects "
Haitian Press Network (Haiti) September 19, 2004
"Slain Haiti Pastor's Funeral Postponed "
Miami Herald September 18, 2004
"Des présumés assassins du pasteur Berthomieux présentés à la presse "
Alter-Presse (Haiti) September 18, 2004
"Popular Broadcaster Gunned Down in Haiti "
Reuters September 13, 2004

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September 21, 2004