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$2 Million Dollar Fugitive Captured in Mexico, August 23, 2004

In the northern city of Mexcali, Gilberto Higuera Guerrero, one of Mexico's most wanted drug traffickers with a $2 Million dollar bounty on his head by the Drug Enforcement Agency, was captured by Mexican police. Considered a legend in drug-trafficking, Guerrero was the head of a cocaine-smuggling agency in Baja, California, and according to the Mexican Attorney General, was responsible for handling 50% of the drugs that crossed the border into the United States. Guerrero would face trial for crimes in Mexico before the possibility of extradition for crimes in the United States.

News Stories:

"Capturan al narco Gilberto Higuera "
El Universal (Mexico) August 23, 2004
"Mexico Captures 'Legend of Drug Trafficking' to U.S. "
Reuters August 23, 2004
"Mexico arrests suspected drug kingpin "
CNN International August 23, 2004

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August 23, 2004