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Rigoberta Menchu Joins Guatemalan Government, January 17, 2004

Rigoberta Menchu accepted a position in the Guatemalan government defined as being a "goodwill ambassador to the peace accords," a reference to the 1996 brokered peace as a result of decades of civil war between largely Quiche Maya indigenous people, and a series of US-supported military regimes. Rigoberta Menchu won the 1992 Nobel Prize for Literature for her work, "I, Rigoberta Menchu," a semi-autobiographical account of a child caught in decades of the conflict that took the life of over 200,000 people in Guatemala. Supporting the 1996 peace accords, which reduced the role of the military in government, was one of the campaign promises offered by President Oscar Berger.

News Stories:

"Nobel Laureate Rigoberta Menchu to Join New Guatemalan Government "
Tampa Bay Online January 17, 2004
"Le conservateur Oscar Berger remporte la présidentielle guatémaltèque "
Le Monde (France) January 17, 2004
"Rigoberta Menchu Acepto Participar de Gobierno de Berger "
Anzalatina (Italy) January 17, 2004
"Nobel Laureate to Join Guatemala Gov't "
Yahoo! News January 17, 2004
"Rigoberta Menchu will in neuer Regierung mitarbeiten "
Kathpress (Germany) January 17, 2004
"Nobel Laureate to Join Guatemala Gov't "
The Guardian (UK) January 17, 2004

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January 20, 2004