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Voodoo Officially Recognized by Haitian Government, April 10, 2003

It was announced on April 8, 2003, that Voodoo, practiced by millions, has been sanctioned as an official religion in Haiti. Voodoo priests, after registering with the government, will be able to legally perfom ceremonies such as marriages and baptisms. Le Vodou is often viewed as an integral part of Haitian identity, a spiritual practice expressed through the literature, art, and music of the country. As it has been associated with black magic and animal sacrifice, the practice has often been misunderstood. Adherents have also suffered persecution during political crises, such as the crackdown on Voodoo practicioners who were associated with the ousted dictatorship in 1986.

News Stories

"Haiti: New Powers for Voodoo "
The New York Times Aprill 11, 2003
"Voodoo Now an Official Religion in Haiti " April 11, 2003
"Haiti Officially Sanctions Voodoo "
Associated Press April 10, 2003
"Voodoo a Religion in Haiti " (South Africa) April 8, 2003
"Le Vodou décrété Religion d'Utilité publique "
Häiti en Marche (Haiti) April 7, 2003

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April 11, 2003