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Internet Workshop for Latin American Studies TAs, October 2000

LACIC Librarian Catherine Marsicek and UF's Latin American Collection Librarian Richard Phillips co-taught a TA training workshop on using LAC-related Internet Resources in the classroom on October 2, 2000 at UF-Gainesville. The goal of the 2-hour workshop was to discuss and provide suggestions for using Internet resources in Latin American course syllabi, classrooms and teaching. This was accomplished by introducing the new Information Environment, presenting some useful LAC Internet sites, providing searching tips, learning the importance of evaluating Internet material and suggesting ways in which these resources can be used effectively in teaching. The session was well attended with 1 professor and 20 TAs responsible for teaching all aspects of Latin American Studies, from Literature to Tropical Conservation.

FIU TAs will be the recipients of a similar workshop in the Spring semester, 2001. By the Fall of 2001, pending implementation of multimedia classrooms and video conferencing on both campuses, this workshop will become an integral part of TA training on a semester basis at both campuses.

This workshop was made possible through funding from the Title VI Consortium of UF-Gainesville's Center for Latin American Studies and FIU's Latin American & Caribbean Center.

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